The Power of Releasing - Heiko & Selina Niedermeyer

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Speaking at 13th Malaysian International Conference on Holistic Healing in Cancer 2023

We were honored to be keynote speakers at the 13th Malaysian International Conference on Holistic Healing in Cancer 2023 organised by Cansurvive Centre Malaysia to speak on how mental, emotional, spiritual trauma and stress can have a causing effect on cancer. We spoke about how releasing deeply rooted issues can help and support the healing process, as we have experienced for two decades in our work all over the world, in many countries with thousands of people.

The scientific field of medicine is discovering and increasingly acknowledging how emotional trauma as well as unresolved emotional and spiritual issues are adding to the cause of cancer development and how releasing and resolving those issues can greatly aid in the body’s healing.

We shared with the audience of doctors, scientists, cancer patients, caregivers, friends and family members of cancer patients how Releasing works. We not only talked about the process but guided the group of about 300 people through the experience of a Releasing process.

That we could do the actual process with the audience over Zoom inspires us even more to continue to reach out world wide and to use this technology to reach large audiences and benefit as many people as possible.

We are very glad about the extremely good feedback from the people who were there at the event.

We also recommend that you watch the video recording of Prof. Dato’ Dr Andrew Mohanraj Chandrasekaran (Malaysia) speaking on the topic titled Role of Emotional Wellbeing in Cancer.

An archive of the video recordings of the conference is available here: CanSurvive Malaysia