The Power of Releasing - Heiko & Selina Niedermeyer

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“Undoubtedly stands out as absolutely crucial to my ongoing spiritual education.”

The Releasing Technique is deceptively simple, as are all truly powerful tools, and in no way impinges on one's free will and unique sovereignty. But beyond the process, what seems to be the most essential element is the fact that Heiko and Selina enjoy a balanced, loving partnership as individuals who have consciously integrated their human, angelic, and divine natures. Their remarkable ability to combine serious therapeutic work with uninhibited playfulness and cosmic good humour generates an extremely safe space in which others can let go of their ego armouring and allow transformative revelations to spontaneously emerge.

I've been to many retreats and workshops over the last three decades - and this last one at Magick River undoubtedly stands out as absolutely crucial to my ongoing spiritual education. Was it life-changing? You bet! Just to bask in such a resonant field of non-judgmental awareness and unconditional love is like a vacation from artifice and affectation. At the very least, those who attend a Releasing Workshop facilitated by Heiko and Selina will feel recharged and unburdened of self-limiting beliefs and programs.

Those willing to surrender to the mystery of their own beings may even find themselves remembering who they truly are and rediscovering an authentic sense of purpose. In any case, a workshop with Heiko and Selina is inevitably much more than a mere release of energy blocks and ancient traumas - indeed, it's an uproarious celebration of living and loving in the light. Be forewarned: such an awesome experience can be highly addictive. Once you've been to one Releasing Workshop with Heiko and Selina, you'll want to go to another... and another!

- Antares, Visionary & Webmaster