The Power of Releasing - Heiko & Selina Niedermeyer

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“I felt like I was re-born into the world. My relationship with my husband is so much better than it has ever been.”

Words alone will not be enough for me to express how Selina & Heiko has completely changed my life so positively & profoundly that I feel like I have only just started living! I was drawn to Selina & Heiko the moment I met them. Beside being loving, centered & calm, there is something about them that is truly magnetic and reassuring.

I was introduced by a good friend who highly recommended them and although they invited me to their River Retreat at that time, the time was not right for me and it took me awhile before I finally cleared all my obstacles and made it to there.

Honestly, I had no idea what releasing was really about before I went for the retreat, I did not read any testimonials, did not even check out their website, I just decided to go after I spoke to Selina briefly over a Skype conversation. Selina shared some insights that surprised me, she has only met me once but I feel like she knows me deeper than I know myself and that conversation was over Skype!

My decision was made. The River Retreat was truly magical. I admit I had my reservations on how the process works, I was skeptical about how it could be that easy to just 'release'! But nothing, absolutely nothing, could hide the way I feel as the days progress.

I started the retreat a little apprehensive but with Selina's love and Heiko's warmth, it was so easy to let myself be enveloped in their non-judging, safe, so very loving space and just let myself go. As the days pass, I was bursting with so much love and positive energy, I was literally bouncing off the walls! I have never felt so incredibly happy, never felt so much love, never felt more positive and grounded in my life. I felt like I was re-born into the world. And it wasn't just the releasing that changed my life, it is Selina and Heiko.

Both their essence and their souls, the amazing conversations we had, the way the both of them are, so loving, so honest, so real, so humble, so genuine, so grounded & so funny (they have a really great sense of humor!), I have learned much much more than I can ever imagined in just one weekend to live a life that I want to live from now on. The biggest and most precious thing they have taught me is to be authentic. It such an easy word to use, 'authentic', but to truly understand what it means, I only just learned it from them.

No amount of money in the world will be enough for what Selina and Heiko has given me during that retreat. I will forever be thankful and grateful to them. My relationship with my husband is so much better than it has ever been, he is so energized and charged with my positivity that he has also become a different person! We are super excited and incredibly happy to start our journey with this new-found love and energy for the rest of our lives.

Thank you Selina and Heiko for everything, thank you for choosing this path and changing so many lives. I am so unbelievably blessed to have you both in my life. I love you both with all my heart & soul. Love you, love you, love you.

- Linna Tan